Kaz is an amazing ultra runner who will be joining us for our 24 hour race around the iconic Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh 24 , in July 2019. We had the chance to ask her a few questions about herself and of course all about her running!
Us: How long have you been into running and why did you start?
Kaz: I’ve been running properly for about 8 years now but only got into ultras in 2014 when I did my first ultra, the Devil o the Highlands. I Started running to shift the baby weight after my second son was born (still trying ha, ha) and I fell in love with it.
Us: Can you tell us some of the races that you have done over the last couple of years?
Kaz: I’ve done the Fling, The Devil and the West Highland Way race. I completed the triple crown in 2016 (3rd female). I did Glemore 24 in 2017 (2nd female ) and Crawley 12 hour in 2018 (1st female). I tend to focus on one key race each year, apart from in 2016 when I completed the triple crown series of races on the WHW. I like to put all my focus into that one key race, it suits me.
On 24 hour racing...
Us: Why are you entering Edinburgh 24 and what would you like to achieve?
Kaz: I entered in 2018 but didn’t make the start line due to injury. I went through to Edinburgh to run on the route and I just loved it! I’m therefore coming back in 2019 as I’ve unfinished business. My main goal is to make it to the start line in 2019, after that anything else is a bonus.
Us: Have you done a 24 hour race before and how did you find it?
Kaz: Yes I did Glenmore 24 which is a 4 mile trail loop, I loved it. The atmosphere was amazing, I loved that I could see my crew every 4 miles and again the route was really nice.
Us: How will you prepare for it Edinburgh 24?
Kaz: I’m slowly building back up after my injury, I’m just loving being out running again. I’ll be putting time into not just running but also mobility work and strength training to prepare for the race. I go to a fab body pump class once a week. I’m looking forward to slowly building the miles back up over the winter months. I’ve got two boys so I have a treadmill at home that I use during peak training when I can’t get out much. When I’m training for an event I take the “whatever it takes” approach. If that means 4 hours on a treadmill then so be it.
Insights on Team Pyllon...
Us: You are part of Team Pyllon, can you tell us a bit about what that is and what being part of it means?
Kaz: Team Pyllon is a team of runners headed up by our coach Paul Giblin. He’s without a doubt one of the most caring and inspiring people I’ve ever met, he’s a good friend of mine now and I’m very grateful to have him in my life. I joined Team Pyllon when preparing for my WHW race in 2016. Being part of the team means so much more to me that just running. I’m surrounded by a great bunch of people who are always there for me, make me laugh, give me fab training and racing advice, they’re like my home team; I love them to bits (but don’t tell them).
The essentials!...
Us: Favourite pair of running trainers?
Kaz: Trail - Topoathletic Road - brooks ghost 10
Us: One piece of running kit you can't do without (excluding trainers)?
Kaz: Skort!!! I love a skort! I have lots of skorts, far too many skorts!
Us: One piece of advice you would give anyone doing their first 24 hour race / ultra race?
Kaz: If you think you’re going too slow at the start, go a little bit slower. It’s a long time to be out there. Take it easy and enjoy every second (well maybe the first 20 hours anyway ;))
Us: Anything else you want to mention about yourself or your experiences?
Kaz: People often say to me how do you get time to run. Truth is, if I didn’t run I think everything else would fall apart. It keeps me sane, it makes me happy and when I’m happy my boys are happy too. So I run.
Thank you Kaz for sharing all of this with us. We can't wait to see you at Edinburgh 24 this year! (2nd time lucky we hope!).
You can enter Edinburgh 24 as an individual or as a team of 4. Or if you are not quite ready to tackle the 24 hour race, then you can still be part of what will be an epic weekend and take part in either the 6 hour or 12 hour races. Sign up here.