Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity (GCHC) kicked off September – the Children’s Cancer Awareness Month (#CCAM) – with a fun filled sponsored 10K and 3K walk. More than two thirds of children in Scotland who are diagnosed with cancer will be treated in the Schiehallion Ward at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow. The value of the hard work carried out by the ward cannot be emphasised enough. GCHC need public support to ensure that optimum care can be provided for every child who requires treatment.
With over 1250 registered walkers at the event, this was the charity’s biggest sponsored walk to date. It was very heart warming to see so many people come together to raise donations for the critical cause. It was a glorious day for it in sunny Glasgow and the energy from the participants and volunteers involved was phenomenal. A true representation of community spirit. The route led walkers from Elder Park round iconic landmarks such as the Clyde Arc or “Squinty Bridge”, Finnieston Crane, the SSE, the SEC, the Glasgow Science Centre and BBC Scotland HQ. It was fantastic to see so many energetic wee tots out for a tiring long day to help raise awareness for other children in need of care.
We’ve worked with GCHC on multiple occasions now, and each and every one has been an absolute pleasure. We’re very excited to be taking the charity on an epic overseas trek to the Alps in September 2018. Details of this event will be available online soon. If a mountainous challenge to raise funds for GCHC tickles your fancy, then notify us of your interest by getting in touch today.